by Macy
“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your
finger here; see my hands.
Reach out your hand and put it into my
side. Stop doubting and believe.’”
(John 20:27 NIV)
I felt the
nudge to stop doing something I had been doing, mostly by rote. Several signals
were pecking at my brain to remind me that God prepares us for all that He is
preparing for us. We need to be ready for something new. We have to be
available and flexible and all the things I am afraid of. I like routine - doing
the same things over and over.
I received
an email that said something I was participating in on a regular basis was going to
change. Would I continue work on that project, or was this a signal to move on to something new? What could the something new be? Should
I wait and trust God to reveal His will? Should I remain in my routine?
My sister
needed a place to live. Her landlord announced that the house they were renting
would be put on the market in a few months. Houses in her neighborhood were
selling like hotcakes and the owner wanted in on the windfalls. Then, an
unexpected, unsolicited email appeared in my sister's inbox. A house down the
street was available for rent in a few months for the same price she was
currently paying! My sister recognized it as a God-thing, an answer to prayer.
things stop, slide across the floor, burst onto the scene, or creep around the
corner, we can trust God to be in the middle of them. We can know He is in
complete control of our biggest messes, making beautiful masterpieces. The best
IS yet to come!
I will
look forward to all the wonderful things headed my way. I hope you will, too!