

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4 ESV)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Moccasin Creek

by Macy Johnson

“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your love, O Lord, supported me.”

(Psalm 94:18 NIV)


Jeff and I camped at Moccasin Creek State Park in November, the first time to pitch our new tent. We hiked the trail to nearby Hemlock Falls the last day before packing up for home. Instead of driving to the starting point, we strolled a half mile to the trailhead, warming up our legs for the climb.


I kept a steady distance behind Jeff, an experienced hiker, to not slow him down. The sound of the tumbling creek to my right was a distraction, while unrivalled beauty jumped out in mini-waterfalls across the creek. Falls dripped down the cliff to my left as rocks, mud, and low-hanging branches contributed to the breath-taking panoramic experience. Fallen leaves of every autumn color blanketed the path.


As the deafening roar of water rushed over rocks and gushed downstream, I stopped to listen to God’s still, quiet voice. I sang His praises as I bathed in the beauty of His creation. Slippery stones and roots grabbed the toes of my hiking boots, and I clumsily crossed the rickety bridge with frigid torrents inches below. I worshipped our heavenly Father in my own private sanctuary in the North Georgia Mountains.


God hiked with me on the treacherous trail to the waterfall. He lulled me to sleep that night in our tent by the rolling creek. He met me in the chilly, glorious sunrise over Lake Burton the next morning. He greeted me in the faces of new friends who camped nearby. Surrounded by nature’s beauty I could not ignore His presence.


I will shut out the menacing growl of the world today and listen to God’s still small voice as he carries me over obstacles into new adventures. I hope you will, too! 

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