by Macy Johnson
“He performs wonders that cannot be
miracles that cannot be counted.”
(Job 5:9 NIV)
In a few
short weeks my husband, Jeff, and I will embark on a Magical Mystery Tour - a
road trip to the Grand Canyon. I have never visited the national park, and it
has been sitting on my bucket list for a long, long time. I sense an urgency to
seize opportunities, to make things happen.
Jeff had
the privilege of being taken up in a small plane over the canyon many years
ago. This time he will explore it with me from inside a helicopter! (Flying in
a helicopter is also on my bucket list.)
During the nineteen days on the road, we will also visit six different sets of friends
and family. It will be a journey to remember, and an opportunity to fulfill
promises made long ago to ourselves and others.
“How is
this a God Sighting?” you might ask. When I told a friend about the upcoming
trip I was reminded of the magnitude and majesty of the Grand Canyon. I cannot
imagine what it will be like to stand on the edge, or swoop through the massive
structure. Pictures and videos cannot do it justice. It is not man-made: only God
could create something so awe-inspiring. I want to experience the handiwork of my
heavenly Father every chance I get.
I have
visited Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, Texas, and Providence Canyon in southwest
Georgia. I’m certain neither can hold a candle to the Grand Canyon. And yet, the
most magnificent wonder on earth is only a drop in the bucket compared to what
God has prepared for us in eternity. Heaven is more than we can imagine!
I will be
amazed at what God has done and what He has planned for me. I hope you will,
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