by Macy Johnson
“Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the
that leads to destruction, and many
enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the
that leads to life, and only a few find
(Matthew 7:13-14 NIV)
I am the driver
designated to pull our new camper trailer. Someone asked me if I preferred hauling
the 5,000 pound box on interstates or back roads. I answered, “Interstate!”
They were surprised, and my reasons are simple. Small highways are curvy,
hilly, and a favorite place for animals to cross from their hiding places in
the woods nearby. Low hanging tree branches reach out, grab at our camper, and
knock off awning caps. I admit to love the scenery of country roads, but they
are more difficult for me to navigate as I pull a twenty-four foot trailer.
interstate is wide open and straight with a steady speed. The only drawback is tractor
trailers tend to suck me in when they pass. The sway bar package on my hitch
helps to assuage that peril. The rear view camera mounted on my camper helps me
see trucks coming and prepare for the shift.
The narrow
way is more difficult to travel than the wide way. Isn’t that a perfect
description of a life with Jesus? People of the world want us to follow them
and accept their foolish ways. Jesus tells us to take the narrow way, a detour
from the crowd. His Word today is the same as it was when He walked on this
I will not
follow those who say I must conform to the new ways of man and travel on the
wide road with them. Jesus is the only Way, Truth, and Life.
I will
follow Jesus on the narrow way. I hope you will, too!
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