

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4 ESV)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Deep Dive

by Macy Johnson

                        “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls;

all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”

(Psalm 42:7 NIV)


A picture of a woman floating on a raft on a crystal-clear lake made me feel uneasy. I like to swim in pools and see what is beneath me. I do not want to know what is below my raft in the lake near my house. I do not want to watch creatures swim and crawl under me. Large rocks beneath the woman in the lake loomed larger than life and a bit intimidating.


I wore my hard contact lenses while swimming in our pool. Suddenly, a lens popped out of my eye and floated gently to rest on the bottom of the pool, eight feet below me. I grabbed a nearby inflatable and a Pyrex dish’s glass lid from the kitchen. As I floated on the raft, I peered through the glass and located the blue-tinted lens on the liner’s floor. I dove down and rescued the lens. Unfortunately, that was a regular routine for me - I did not learn this lesson the first time.


Locating my lost contact lens required patience and focus. My pastor’s sermon series about developing a deeper relationship with God through the Psalms encouraged me to locate Him in the same way. I must dive past the surface of life to be filled with my heavenly Father’s love.


“Sir,” the woman said,

“you have nothing to draw with

and the well is deep.

Where can you get this living water?”

(John 4:11 NIV)


Jesus led the Samaritan woman to plunge herself into the well of His Spirit where living water is freely available.


I will be patient and focused as I dive into the love of God today. I hope you will, too! 

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