by Macy Johnson
“Then God said, ‘Let the land produce
seed-bearing plants and trees on the
that bear fruit with seed in it,
according to their various kinds.’
And it was so.”
(Genesis 1:11 NIV)
My husband
and I like to sit on our deck in the afternoon and watch hummingbirds and
butterflies swarm around the monster-sized Lantanas nearby. I loved these
plants as a child. The different color petals on the same flower enticed me to
create tiny bouquets.
Jeff told
me deer don’t eat Lantanas, so he plants them all over our yard. He lets the
deer gobble up the Mexican petunias and even allows them to mow down the monkey
grass to a nub. Animals are God’s creation and have as much right to His garden
as we do. Our yard must think it is a deer feeding ground.
wasps, hummingbirds, and other winged creatures remind me of a circus act. I
watched a butterfly with a torn wing hover over an Azalea plant and dive
between other insects.
granddaughter likes to name God’s creatures and point out their imperfections.
While we were camping at Mistletoe State Park, she befriended Mr. Nuts, a
squirrel with a hole in his ear. Mr. Nuts came to our site often to request scraps
from Dahlia’s hand.
The tomato growing season is winding down and my husband has excavated his plants.
Others I have spoken to have also enjoyed the last of their crop. The weather
played a role in the poor produce this year, but we are thankful for the fruits
we did enjoy. I have a friend who lives on a farm in Missouri and posts Facebook
pictures of their luscious bounty. God reveals his presence everywhere!
I will
rejoice in the beauty of God’s gardens all around me. I hope you will, too!
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