

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4 ESV)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Step Aside

 by Macy Johnson

“But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body,

every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.”

(1 Corinthians 12:18 NIV)


Sometimes I have to back off and let others fill in the gaps I leave behind. I remind myself I cannot be everything to everyone. It is good to be a cheerleader in the background and encourage others in their service.


One of our local musicians was an exceptional pianist. Under the leadership of the high school choral director, who was also our church choir director, the young man flourished. I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to allow the talented young man to step in and hone his skills. His talent was the impetus for me to step back and take a break from the church pianist position for a while. Three years later, when he received a more lucrative church position, he resigned and I graciously accepted the position again as pianist at the First United Methodist Church of Madison, Georgia.


I have discovered the works of Jesus often generate a nobler impact if I move out of the way. Maybe I don’t notice the up-and-coming talent or gifted brother or sister, but Jesus has trained them as my replacement. He lets me know when it is time to step away and let others serve.


And in the same way, I know God prepares me to step into new positions and opportunities of service. I dare not try to force my way in. In both instances of being hired as the church pianist, I received phone calls offering me the position. Things work out better when I don’t seek them but wait on God’s perfect timing.


I will humbly step aside and/or up when the time comes and the Spirit leads me. I hope you will, too!

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