

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4 ESV)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Surprise Visitor

 by Macy Johnson

“Although Joseph recognized his brothers,

they did not recognize him.”

(Genesis 42:8 NIV)


My husband, Jeff, and I offered the use of our cabin to our church for visiting missionaries. Our guests were scheduled to arrive one Saturday afternoon. Their home church was in Georgia, and they served in Latvia.


Thirty years ago, I visited their church in Carrollton, Georgia as the accompanist for a youth choir trip from Birmingham. There, in the line to receive dinner before the performance, I came face to face with a friend who performed with me in the elite, 24-voice chorus of our high school. We enjoyed a brief reunion.


The morning before the missionaries came, I felt my heavenly Father nudge me and say, “Get ready!” I prepared the cabin and enjoyed a chat by the fire pit with Jeff until our guests drove up.


We visited with the missionaries a few minutes before I remarked, “I’m from Pensacola.” The wife looked at me and said, “I am, too!” We suddenly recognized each other! Jeanne stood before my eyes and I could hear God laugh. What an amazing gift!


I could not have organized or planned that reunion. Only God can orchestrate perfect events. He planned and executed our meeting years ago in Carrollton in preparation of the reunion at our home in Greensboro.


What a shock Joseph must have experienced when his brothers appeared before him in Egypt. A famine in the land brought them to ask him for food after they had sold him into slavery.


“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform!”

(William Cowper, 1773)


Every fortuitous gathering is created by our loving heavenly Father to remind us His plans are perfect, better than ours could ever be.


I will look forward to all God-planned surprise visits ahead. I hope you will, too!

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