by Macy Johnson
“So you also must be ready,
because the Son of Man will come at an
when you do not expect Him.”
(Matthew 22:44 NIV)
It was a frigid
January morning in Georgia. Ice floated on the lake forty yards out from our
dock. Three ducks swam between our property and the ice floe, diving
periodically and in sync. A squirrel scampered from his nest high in the tree
to gather dead leaves from branches nearby. He carried the mouthful up in the
frosty cold to make his nest cozy. Amid the rare, below-freezing temperatures,
life goes on.
I walked
onto my balcony with a cup of coffee, opened my arms, and lifted my gaze to
heaven. I thanked my heavenly Father for revealing Himself every day and
pouring out His blessings upon me. A monthly bridge game with friends provided
discussions of successful surgeries and distressing details of young lives
tragically swept away days before. Life goes on.
My reflections
landed on a friend whose pet died the same day her first grandchild was born,
on another friend who had entered hospice, and another who recently lost her
husband. Life goes on, and Max Lucado reminded me life will soon change: “In
the meantime keep an eye toward the sky, and live in such a way that Christ
will find you faithfully looking for him.”
The lake’s
current pushed the ice closer. I watched as it broke into pieces against our
pilings. Larger floes made eerie, crunching noises against our neighbor’s dock.
It was a “once in a lifetime” experience to watch and hear. I wondered if
Christ’s return will be on a sunny, cold day like this one.
I will keep
my eyes on the sky and my hopes up for Jesus’ soon return. I hope you will too!
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