

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4 ESV)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Process

 by Macy Johnson

“The Lord is God, and He has made His light shine upon us.

With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession

up to the horns of the altar.”

(Psalm 118:27 NIV)


The Sum of Saving Knowledge (A Brief Sum of Christian Doctrine) was a thoughtful gift from my husband. One morning as I absorbed its words of wisdom, I thought, “I am walking on the path my heavenly Father has laid out for me.” 


When I read a book, it is not so much the information gained, but the exercise of reading I enjoy. It is not so much the musical selection, but the exercise of practicing on the piano one measure at a time. It is not so much the puzzle’s picture, but the exercise of putting it together piece by piece. I will soon forget the book I read, the music I played, and the puzzle I finished, but I will remember the joy of going through the process. The activity is the goal, where lessons are learned.


At a retreat one summer I was instructed to collect a bag of rocks, visualize them as my sins and burdens, and toss them one by one into the lake. A bride and groom released helium balloons at their wedding to set free their separate past lives and embrace the future together. A beautiful amaryllis bulb on my desk gave me a daily vision of a blooming flower. God creates in each process of life.


“Grant that I may distrust myself, to see my all in thee.” (from The Valley of Vision – Puritan Prayers and Devotions) So goes life’s processes. I must get out of the way and let God work through and in me.


I will join in and enjoy the festal procession of believers in their march of faith. I hope you will, too!

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