

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4 ESV)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Movin' On Up

 by Macy Johnson

“The Lord descended to the top of Mount Sinai

and called Moses to the top of the mountain,

So, Moses went up.”

(Exodus 19:20 NIV)


It has been over five weeks since I ventured up the steep staircase from the main floor of our home to my piano/writing studio on the second floor. Fractures in my pelvis have healed enough for me to climb stairs again. With great anticipation, I look forward to slowly making my way up the staircase, left hand on the banister and right hand on my cane.


My husband agreed to carry up items I need from downstairs until I can maneuver more deftly and safely. It is the beginning of a new adventure with the help of my heavenly Father and Jeff.


As a young person, I remember the excitement of the Jeffersons on their TV show as they sang that they were “movin’ on up” to a new apartment in New York City. Transporting my computer and paraphernalia from the dining room table downstairs to my desk upstairs does not compare to the Jeffersons’ relocation, but for me it is close.


Sometimes God calls me to stop, turn around, and head in a different direction for a while. This time an injury got my attention. He also uses visitors and other schedule disruptions to slow me down and put me back on His track.


As I ponder the logistics of my move back “home” to my studio, I think about the day when Jesus will call me to my real home. The ultimate move up is what makes every day worth living. Because He lives, I can face today, tomorrow, next week, next month, and even next year without fear.


I will carefully move through my days here and look forward to my ultimate move up into heaven. I hope you will, too!

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