by Macy Johnson
“Come now, let us reason together,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet
they shall be as white as snow.”
(Isaiah 1:18 NIV)
I woke up early
one Friday morning to a freezing chill and dreary skies. A wintry-mix had been
predicted for many days, but I skeptically scoffed at the weatherman’s report.
Several singers warned others of the pending “storm” during my church’s choir
practice the night before. I was scheduled to volunteer at the hospital that
morning, but non-essential personnel were urged via email to stay home. Maybe
someone knew something I did not?
By 9:00 am
everything outside was covered in white! My home had become a bizarre scene from
a winter wonderland. Large flakes dropped rapidly in a ghostly silence. Brown
blades of grass stealthily disappeared under a soft, white blanket.
reminded me in Isaiah He has covered all my sins, as gently as this flurry of
flakes. My foolish and selfish thoughts, numerous as the leaves on the ground
and exposed grains of soil, have been completely covered by the blood of Jesus!
Unlike the frozen water falling erratically from the sky, Jesus covers me
instantly, in one swoop of His heart’s hand. All disgusting stains and garbage
are miraculously gone!
like the snow-covered ground, my heart too soon returns to a filthy state.
Beauty morphs into a muddy mess. Yet unlike the snow, I can ask for forgiveness
anytime. He has promised to clean my slate when I humbly ask - all will be
white and pure again. Unlike the snow, His unconditional love is warm,
protective, and permanent. There is no cold, wishy-washy slush with Jesus.
I will thank
my heavenly Father for reminding me of His power and presence in all of nature,
all around me. I hope you will, too!
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